Access to Inspiration Podcast
Not-for-Profit Podcast
Access to Inspiration is globally a top 10% podcast that offers inspirational people in the world the opportunity to share their amazing stories.
You won’t find celebrities in this podcast – but you will find amazing people, including adventurers, aspiring leaders and an astronaut. Whilst they may be from different countries, cultures, or backgrounds to you -they share many things in common with all of us.
Access to Inspiration was unhappy with the content being created by their existing social media management, this lead them to ask EPR Marketing to step in and take over the ongoing creation and management of their social media profiles including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
EPR Marketing took the lead in creating the social media content and the ongoing management of the social media channels to increase the organic reach of the Access to Inspiration podcast to new audiences and increase the engagement from the existing audiences.
“They are easy to work with and always come up with new ideas. Our social media engagement has increased, and has resulted in some of the back catalogue of our podcast episodes being downloaded more, because of the attention that has been drawn to them.”
– Sue Stockdale, Co-Founder and Host