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Who will Google’s decision to keep third-party cookies affect?

Google’s decision to retain third-party cookies on Chrome has sparked a debate about its implications for user privacy and the digital advertising industry. This decision has drawn mixed reactions from UK regulatory bodies, with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) expressing disappointment due to potential privacy concerns, and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) taking a more neutral stance.

  • Google’s Decision: Google has reversed its previous plans to phase out third-party cookies on Chrome, a move that could have significant implications for user privacy and the digital advertising industry.
  • ICO’s Concerns: The ICO has raised concerns about Google’s decision, suggesting that it could compromise user privacy and potentially identify individual users who have opted out of being tracked .
  • Google’s Response: In response to these concerns, Google plans to introduce a new feature allowing users to establish preferences applicable across their Google browsing activities.
  • CMA’s Stance: The CMA, while initially concerned about Google’s Privacy Sandbox plans, has reacted to Google’s cookie retention plans with less repudiation than the ICO.

In conclusion, Google’s decision to retain third-party cookies will likely affect both users and the digital advertising industry. While Google has attempted to address privacy concerns with a new user preference feature, regulatory bodies like the ICO remain sceptical. The full implications of this decision will only become clear as it is implemented and responded to by the relevant stakeholders.

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