How many connections do you have on Linkedin?
The number varies depending on what part of the country that you live and work in but the average number of connections in the UK is 237.
While that doesn’t seem like a lot of connections the responses to a study by Guild paint a rather worrying picture.
The majority of people have met less than 50% of their connections. I’m in this majority. With 1700+ connections spanning countries across the globe, I’m resigned to know that I will never meet some of them. However, despite this I still interact with them and learn from them, through what they post and comment on.
In a study from Guild 45% of the people surveyed feel that Linkedin is becoming a marketing and sales opportunities focussed platform.
This represents a worrying departure from their previous focus on professional networking.
Among the most common complaints were that the platfrom is overly cluttered (38%) and full of spam (28%) with a majority believing that Linkedin is only used for finding/ recruiting for jobs.
Whilst LinkedIn is certainly a great place to recruit for jobs as the company page can give potential employees a huge idea as to how the organisation works and the culture that is present. Solely using the platform to do this will mean that you will miss out hugely on opportunities to engage with customers.
So whilst LinkedIn might be becoming more marketing and sales focussed it is down to page admins and content producers to vary the content that is being published so that variety is maintained and you can step above the countless other pages that solely post product adverts.
Read the full study from Guild below.